Bagnos Multipurpose Cooperative
Brgy. Binacag, Banna, Ilocos Norte 09266554059 TIN: 005-512-730-000 Total sales: 9

BAGNOS MPC was registered under Cooperative Development Authority on December 21, 2000. The BAGNOS derived its name from the acronym "Bassit A Ganansia Naurnong Omado Sanikua" or small profit but when managed properly became big assets. BAGNOS MPC live up its name since we started a scanty capital of 4,456 and now, we have 60 million assets.

The BAGNOS MPC have 9 services which includes the Rice Coffee Production. The Banna Blend Rice Coffee is the main product of the cooperative which aims to provide the farmer-members more income since the main ingredients came from the farmer-members, adding value to their produce. The coffee made its name to several national and international awards.

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